Full Face Lift - Estegloria International

Full Face Lift

Surgical operations to remove excessive face (forehead-face-neck) skin with wrinkles and to tighten underlying soft tissues are called face lift ( rhytidectomy ) operations. However, recently any operation to prevent effect of ageing on face is called face rejuvenation. Operations in which only face skin s lifted are not considered as face lift operations anymore.

There occur three main changes on face by age. The first is thinning, sagging and wrinkling of face skin, second is sagging of subcutaneous soft tissues and the third is decrease in density of face bones. For an ideal face lift, these there groups of problems should be targeted. Namely, excess skin is excised, sagging soft tissues are replaced and empty regions are refilled with fat-tissue injections.

In other words, harmful effects of gravity and sun, over activity of gesture muscles, daily stress, frequent weight gain/loss, and genetic tendency yields elderly appearance of face. Lip and cheek lines are deepened, cheeks and neck sag and jowl appears under neck. A younger face is obtained by removal of excessive fat, tightening of slackened muscles, reshaping of skin by removal of sagging and wrinkling excess. Generally it is combined with eyelid surgery, forehead lift and eyebrow elevation operations. When required, nose esthetic surgery, cheek augmentation, fat injection to wrinkles, laser treatment and botox can be performed together.

Ideal Candidate

  • Over 40 years old in average
  • Individuals with sagging on neck face or lip corners, though not above 40 years old.
  • Individuals with sagging cheek.
  • Individuals with distinct cheek and lip line.
  • Individuals with sagging, fatty and jowling neck.
  • Individuals without any health conditions risky for operation.
  • Individuals who are mentally ready for the operation and have realistic expectations for operation.


It should be conducted in a general hospital. General anesthesia is the best choice but local anesthesia with sedation can also be used. Operation last 5-6 hours and patients are hospitalized for 1-2 days. Especially patients with hypertension should be hospitalized until their blood pressure is regulated. Drains located under skin flaps are removed before discharge. A bandage is applied on face only for first night. Pain is not observed in full face lift operations. Swallowing on face largely disappear at the end of second week. However, ıt last 2-3 months to have a natural face. Incision lines appear red in first days, and depending on skin type, they disappear in a few months.


Infection after face lift is observed in regions where blood flow is totally absent. It is treated by intense antibiotics administration and daily dressing. Bleeding is a special case for face lift patients. When average patient age is considered, hypertension is generally observed in patients. Problems in face nerves yields to long-term trouble for patients. The most important complication of face lift operations is facial palsy. This issue may be widespread, limited, permanent or transient. Permanent face palsy is rarely observed and considered as most severe complication.

Besides relocation of hairline, hair loss around incision line, large scars, earlobe displacement, uncorrected chords on neck, nervous and flattened countenance are common among post operation issues.

This long-lasting operation provides patients with young, thigh and natural looking face with impressing features.


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We will make a single attempt to contact you from a withheld number, usually within 24 hours of your request.


The quickest way to get in contact is to telephone +90 531 083 16 64

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