Buttock/Butt Implants - Estegloria International

Buttock/Butt Implants

Buttock/Butt Implants

Buttocks are the most attractive body part of women. Every women dream off stiff, round, firm buttocks on long legs.
Leg length and buttock size are inherent and do not change overtime. But there is always change to protect present, repair deformed and gain more esthetic and proportional look by changing shape of soft tissues.

An esthetically beautiful buttock can be defined as round and protruding without apparent muscles; without lateral spreading, narrow with low vertical length. Buttocks which are bigger than normal show legs shorter and small buttock cause masculine appearance of women.

If buttock structure is inherently unpleasant or deformed in time, ıt should be repaired with esthetic interventions. It is truth that in recent times there is an increasing interest in buttock esthetic operations. As much as developments in esthetic surgery, popular culture also contributes this fact largely.

Liposuction, Buttock/butt implants and butt lift are among esthetic interventions of buttock.


Buttock implants are similar to breast or leg implants but they are special implants in different shape and size which are appropriate for buttock. For patients with flat buttock without adequate fat deposits silicon buttock implants can be used. These are special products designed for buttocks. These implants are implanted into the muscle recently. By this application buttock prosthesis related complaints are vastly relieved.

It is applied for steeper, protruding and firm buttocks. Apparent scars are not occurring after buttock/butt prosthesis surgery since scars are both small and well concealed. Butt implants may cause some pain or disturbance. Patients may encounter difficulties while sitting.

After the operation which is conducted under general anesthesia, patients are hospitalized for 1-2 days. They can walk one day after operation.

Liposuction and buttock/butt implant methods are preferred for patients without profound shape defects.