Prominent Ear - Estegloria International

Prominent Ear

Prominent ear can be defined as, contrary to anatomical position, pointing of ear flap to front. Prominent ear causes profound mental and emotional disturbances especially in children. As consequence this situation yields to behavioral problems.

Inherent ear defects are the most common ones. During prominent ear operation only outer part of the ear is operated. So it does not yield to any hearing defects. In conclusion, these are safe and reliable operations.

Age of Operation

Ear flap completes its development in size years. Therefore, preschool is the best time for operation. Children benefits more from an operation before starting school, since, in school period social circle of children enlarges and children becomes more sensitive and fragile at this period. Any ridicule about ear shape will influence these children deeply. This may result in low self-esteem and a tendency to conceal ears with hair.

Esthetic ear operations can be applied not only in childhood but also in later ages.

Operation Procedure

One of the techniques is Noninvasive Prominent Ear Esthetic operation with threads. This is applied to appropriate patients without profound defects. It is an easy method but not reliable generally. For better and reliable results reshaping of cartilage is a better approach.

During prominent ear operation there will not be scar on visible areas of the ear. Operation is conducted from a vertical incision 3 cm in length at the back of the ear. Cartilage is reshaped as desired and fixed wit permanent sutures. Ear skin is repaired with absorbable suture and bandage is applied on ear. Since absorbable sutures are used, there is no need for suture removal.

Operation is conducted under local or general anesthesia. Depending on ear defect, operation takes between 30 minutes and 2 hours.

Recovery Period

  • Patient is discharged same day.
  • Pain is not felt for 4 hours because of local anesthesia. Latter on there is a mild pain which may affect daily life.
  • Dressing applied to ear every there day.
  • After 3 or 5 days patients nearly continue their normal life.
  • Patients can have a short and warm bath at 4
  • Due to absorbable sutures there is no suture scar.
  • Ear may swallow slightly and there may be color change on ear, which disappears in a few days.
  • Patients can do light exercises after two weeks.
  • Ear should be protected against traumas for 3 months.
  • After 3 week there is no need to conceal ear and it is enjoyed.
  • Ear cup esthetic generally produces satisfying and permanent results and positively influences mental health and increases one’s self esteem.