Gynecomastia - Estegloria International


Gynecomastia is defined as one sided or two sided over enlargement of breast tissue and women-like breast appearance in men. Statistical analyses have shown that this condition was rare in past however its incidence has increased. Today 40% of the population has gynecomastia. Additionally, it is stated that this ratio approached to a high number as 65% for adolescents. It is known that gynecomastia effects patients psychologically and their social life negatively influenced by this condition. These patients regain their self-esteem after esthetic operation and their social distress is relieved.


Gynecomastia may have several causes. For some patients heavy liver dysfunction and for some others used drugs are among causes. It is stated that a stomach drug (cimetidine) which was widely used in past, causes this condition. However, in general etiology of gynecomastia is unknown. In short this condition occurs without any cause.

Another patient group suffers from physiological gynecomastia, which occurs due to normal hormonal changes in newborns, adolescents and elderly. Except gynecomastia observed in elderly, physiological gynecomastia disappear by itself. Estrogen is more abundant in circulation than androgen in these periods, which is the actual cause of physiological gynecomastia.


Gynecomastia observed during adolescence disappears by itself, thus  no treatment is required. However if enlarged breast do not gain its shape back in 3-4 years it should be treated by surgical operation.