Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) - Estegloria International

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Tummy tuck operation consists of removal of excessive skin and fat from abdomen and repair sagging in abdominal wall.

Candidates for esthetic tummy tuck operation are individuals who have excess fat around tummy and cannot get rid of it with diet or exercise; and individuals who complain of sagging and loose abdominal skin. It is unavoidable for women to have stretch marks and sagging skin and loosening of abdominal wall after pregnancy. If there is no excess skin liposuction is the best alternative for such patients but in case of excessive skin tummy tuck operation is the choice.

Ideal Candidates

  • Individuals with sagging and loose abdominal skin
  • Individuals with excessive fat and skin on abdomen.
  • Individuals with loose and sparse abdominal muscles.
  • Individuals with serious amount of stretch marks on abdomen.


Tummy tuck operation is conducted in a general hospital and under general anesthesia. There are two types of tummy tuck operations as mini tummy tuck and abdominoplasty. Mini tummy tuck is applied on patients with slight sagging skin however full tummy tuck is for patients with excessive sagging skin and stretch marks.

First of all a local anesthetic and anti-hemorrhage liquid is injected into target area. After excessive fat over belly is removed with liposuction, an incision, which is slightly larger than caesarian cut, is done on both groin and muscles and skin are totally separated. Separated weak abdominal muscles are repaired.

Abdominal wall is tightened by assembling sutures on muscles, which are loosened with frequent weight change, and on abdominal wall membrane over muscles. It should be noted that not only skin but inside of the abdomen is also tightened in a tummy tuck operation. First belly is separated from upper skin and though it is not relocated, it is sutured on new belly button opened on tightened skin.

After excessive skin and fat under old belly button is removed and stretch marks are repaired skin is tightened again and sutures as layers. By this way looseness also repaired. A special abdominal binder is put on patients and they are recommended to use this binder for 1 month.


Drains for removal of body fluids and blood under the skin are taken off generally 2-4 days after surgery. Sutures heal in 12 days in average. Patients gain their daily activities in this period.

Patients rest in first days. After drains are removed in 4-5 days, they can walk by themselves. Swallowing and bruise is observed in first weeks, which is pretty normal. They decrease after 15 days. For total relief of swallowing and observing consequences of operation patients should wait for 1-1.5 months. Tummy gets it final shape in 6 months.

Full tummy tuck operation can be combined with esthetic breast surgeries; liposuction, arm and thigh lift surgeries.