Thigh Lift - Estegloria International

Thigh Lift

Accompanying ageing, legs experience phsical alteriations like loss of skin elasticity or reducement of fat tissue. Besides frequent weight gain and loss, excessive weight loss, with the help of gravity, may result in laxity and sagging of thighs. This problem yields to sweeting and skin rash.

Thigh lift operation sometimes considered together with liposuction. If thigh tissue still keeps its elasticity, liposuction would resolve this problem. However, in case of increased age or skin laxity, it would not be the best choice. In such cases excess fat is excised together with the skin so thighs get their tight appearance. With a surgical operation, groin line is taken as reference and excess fat and skin tissue is resected. Groin line is taken as reference so that after operation scar remains inside of groin.

Thigh lifting operation is conducted under general anesthesia and duration is 2 hours. The patient stays in hospital one day and afterwards discharged. Swallowing and bruising may be observed, but it is expected to heal in one week. Patient can have bath in 2 or 3 days after the operation. Total recovery time varies person to person but generally in 7 to 10 days patients are recovered and continue their normal activities.